Mountain Eagle Karate Academy Mountain Eagle Karate Academy

CALL NOW: (505) 980-7564

1704 Moon St. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112

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Kids Martial



Your child will learn self-defense, become more focused, and self-confident all while having fun,making friends, and becoming stronger and more fit! Click the button above to find out more.

Martial Arts


Adults and teens will learn valuable self-defense techniques, improve focus, goal-setting, and become self-confident all while getting in great shape! Click the button above to find out more.

Hello and welcome to all Albuquerque residents interested in joining a high quality karate program. We are excited to share our martial arts passion with you!


The benefits you and/or your child will receive go way beyond what you might expect. Self-defense and fitness are great benefits, but as you get into great shape other subtle changes happen as well. When you or your child trains in our karate program, your life will change in some amazing, powerful ways!


Here are just a few of the life-changing benefits that karate students experience:

1. A boost of confidence

Self-confidence is one of the greatest benefits one will receive while taking classes at Mountain Eagle Karate. Believing in yourself and your ability to accomplish tasks, reach goals, make great decisions, and overcome obstacles comes from self-confidence. Learning awareness, focus, and self-defense also contribute to overall self-confidence. Children are constantly growing and developing, and self-confidence will be a great contributor to their success. For adults, it is never too late to grow as well.

2. Ultimate focus

Improving focus helps everyone to perform better at what they do. Learning the right way to focus is a cornerstone of classes at Mountain Eagle Karate. Because the techniques are challenging, they require your full attention. You have to concentrate hard on listening to the instructor, then performing what they taught you. The neat thing is this intense concentration naturally pours into all other areas of your life. Adults find themselves focusing more easily and intensely at work. Kids pay better attention and become more focused in school and in sports.

3. Fitness

Each karate class is jam-packed with fun and challenging exercises. But because you're so focused on practicing the moves, and having a blast, you hardly notice it. Before you know it, the class is over, and not only did you learn exciting martial arts, you just got a great workout, too! Being physically fit increases energy, attention span, and improves the way you feel about yourself.

4. Community

Our members and instructors are all about support and encouragement. We provide the kind of environment that fosters motivation and camaraderie. Classmates enjoy working with each other, and many students who participate in our classes find exactly the activity they have been looking for, and meet people just like them committed to becoming the best they can be.

5. Karate is really fun!

Classes at Mountain Eagle Karate are always fun and exciting. No two classes are the same and learning is done in a high-energy, interactive, and supportive environment.

We have students of all ages and we use different teaching styles for the different groups. Our youngest students in the Tiny Eagles classes learn basic skills, like the importance of breathing properly, through homework assignments, games in class, and fun videos like this. Be sure to visit our YouTube channel to see lots of other great content available to our students.

Kids Martial



Your child will learn self-defense, become more focused, and self-confident all while having fun,making friends, and becoming stronger and more fit! Click the button above to find out more.

Martial Arts


Adults and teens will learn valuable self-defense techniques, improve focus, goal-setting, and become self-confident all while getting in great shape! Click the button above to find out more.

Mountain Eagle Karate Academy Mountain Eagle Karate Academy

(505) 980-7564

© 2017 Mountain Eagle Karate Academy. All rights reserved.

Mountain Eagle Karate Academy Mountain Eagle Karate Academy

CALL NOW: (505) 980-7564

1704 Moon St. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112

Mountain Eagle Karate Academy Mountain Eagle Karate Academy
Mountain Eagle Karate Academy

(505) 980-7564

Mountain Eagle Karate Academy Mountain Eagle Karate Academy


Your child will learn self-defense, become more focused, and self-confident all while having fun,making friends, and becoming stronger and more fit! Click the button below to find out more.

Adults and teens will learn valuable self-defense techniques, improve focus, goal-setting, and become self-confident all while getting in great shape! Click the button below to find out more.

Your child will learn self-defense, become more focused and self-confident all while having fun,making friends, and becoming stronger and more fit! Click the button below to find out more.

Adults and teens will learn valuable self-defense techniques, improve focus, goal-setting, and become self-confident all while getting in great shape! Click the button below to find out more.